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The Spectacular Carnival of Rome

Carnival is a unique and very popular celebration in Italy It is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent, but the main events are usually during February. This feast goes on for many days starting from February 7th, although the biggest celebrations are from “Giovedì Grasso” (Fat Thursday) to “Martedi Grasso” (Fat Tuesday) [always […]

The Spectacular Carnival of Rome

Carnival is a unique and very popular celebration in Italy

It is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent, but the main events are usually during February. This feast goes on for many days starting from February 7th, although the biggest celebrations are from “Giovedì Grasso” (Fat Thursday) to “Martedi Grasso” (Fat Tuesday) [always on February].

Italy boasts a centennial tradition expressed in the mastery of masks, costumes and allegorical floats, also linked to theatre and “commedia dell’arte”. During this period Italian cities are literally invaded by masks, parades, confetti, lights and traditional carnival sweets. Each city has its own traditions and celebrations; here we are going to talk about Rome and its rich calendar of Carnival events.

Carnival in Rome

Carnival in Rome: the parade

The most spectacular carnival events are definitely parades. In many important squares and also urban roads there will be a proper colorful invasion of handcrafted period costumes, nobly embellished masks and traditional floats, all enriched by fireworks and shows of every kind.
Navona Square, Spanish Steps and the cherry on the top…the most well-known of Rome’s annual carnival events, the horse-drawn parade taking place along Via del Corso at 16.00 on February 17th. With more than 100 horses and carriages, the parade evokes the Berber horse race that was historically the most important event of the Roman Carnival since 1874, when it was abolished due to a bad accident. That evening Carnevale ends with the annual firework display in Piazza del Popolo.

Carnival of Rome

This year Roman Carnival agenda is even richer, with celebrations dedicated to Christina of Sweden in occasion of the 360th anniversary of her arrival in Rome.
The first event is a photographic exhibition of previous Roman carnivals, opening on February 7th at the Biblioteca Angelica, involving the Accademia dell’Arcadia, one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of Roman literature.

Carnival in Rome: kids Events

Many of the carnival events are directed to children. The Bio parco in Villa Borghese offers fun and educational activities on February 15th. The zoo’s little visitors will be delighted by entertainers dressed as animals, and there will be performances involving clowns, children and parents, followed by awards for the best mask or costume.

Carnival Rome Kids Events

As regards alternative cultural events we have to mention the one on February 12th at the courtyard of Palazzo Braschi, that hosts “Il Generale Mannaggia La Rocca”, a play inspired by Carnevale Roman mask. Moreover on Sunday 15th, the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica in Palazzo Corsini hosts Accademia Nova’s Strings concert, where amazing musicians will perform in the different rooms of the museum, offering to listeners the splendour of Baroque music surrounded by the beauty of the old dwelling of Christina of Sweden and its art masterpieces.

Plenty of extraordinary and highly amusing events you can’t miss!

Read also our previous post about Italian Carnival