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Naples, a day dedicated to chocolate

Near Naples, to be exact in Massa di Somma, there is a villa in the heart of the National Park of Vesuvius, expertly restored, the kingdom of taste and refinement architecture. This is Villa Egea, Sunday, March 17 that hosts the second edition of an event dedicated to gourmands. And ‘in fact arrive Chocolate Day, […]

Naples, a day dedicated to chocolate

Near Naples, to be exact in Massa di Somma, there is a villa in the heart of the National Park of Vesuvius, expertly restored, the kingdom of taste and refinement architecture. This is Villa Egea, Sunday, March 17 that hosts the second edition of an event dedicated to gourmands.

And ‘in fact arrive Chocolate Day, an event that brings together artisan chocolatiers and cake designer for a large party of handmade chocolates. Taking part in addition to pastry, cake designers and chocolatiers also companies that produce materials for the processing of sweets.


Many appointments edition 2013: begins at 10 am with the meeting “Pasta and chocolate”, in which is shown the preparation of fresh pasta to chocolate. Following the meeting “Knowing the chocolate”, which speaks of the use of cocoa in the diet.

At 11:30 it was the turn of chocolate sculptures, followed by various preparations of mouth-watering recipes that are combined with the wines of Cantina Fontanarosa. The workshop begins at 16 “Chocolate & Co,” during which “The Nymphs Creation Handmade Bijoux” create a delicious jewel.


Then goes to the cake design and the various stages of processing of chocolate from the cocoa bean to chocolate. There is no shortage workshops focusing on beneficial powers that chocolate has on the beauty and physical well-being and time devoted to contemporary art in which runs a live body painting.

Lovers of wine making sure appreciate the space dedicated to the combination of wine, brandy and chocolate, made in collaboration with the AIS. The children, then, can have fun with the animation by Humor Festival, the main sponsor of the event.